

Batucandeia | 2019

Simples assim | 2009

Vivo para isso | 2014

Amor de Índio | single 2019


E o mundo não se acabou | single 2021


Born in Brazil, Citizen of the World. Of the seven languages ​​that make up her vocabulary, Music is undoubtedly the one in which Mimi expresses herself better and with more fluently. Since early. The first guitar came when she was 8 years old and is still her best friend, for all times and places.

The debut album was recorded in 2004 at the age of 22; TIMELAND became an international pop collection with covers of Cranberries, Elton John, Tears for Fear and Brian Adams.

It opened the way for the second album that would come five years later, in a beautiful partnership with Paulo Brito on vocals and piano. SIMPLES ASSIM includes besides Bob Dylan, Violeta Para and Carla Bruni also classics of Brazilian Popular Music like Águas de Março, Corcovado and Iolanda. And even in the best known songs to the public, Mimi makes her style and art prevail, making them suddenly renewed.

The girl who embraced the guitar becomes effectively a Woman, Independent, a Singer. And give up the stages in Brazil to follow love in China. Build family in Shanghai and launches the first album VIVO PARA ISSO, with romantic songs that travel in a playful way to the universe of guitars and their effects magically involved by the delicate and sublime voice of Mimi. Songs like Por and AVSA gently illustrate a piece of this beautiful love story.

After five years in China and two children, she took off to California, a new world, new life and new stories to tell.

BATUCANDEIA (2019) is Mimi’s latest album, it sings the journey of this passionate heart leaving Brazil to follow love… a heart that travels the world weeping for its homeland left behind, while at the same time singing the joys of new journeys in foreign lands.
The sound of this album is a reflection of this plurality of emotion that she has experienced in the past years through her moving away from Brazil. While discovering these new worlds she also discovers the loneliness and remoteness of her deepest roots.

Feelings are expressed through the brazilian rhythms and percussions of Marco Bosco, alongside the nostalgic keyboard and musical arrangements of Paulo Calasans. Produced at Valetes Records studio in Brazil and mastered by Classic Master with special appearances by Gabriel Sater, the rising actor, composer and singer; and Zeca Baleiro, an icon of modern Brazilian music.

More changes and new stories continue to shine with the dawn of each day and as an artist is still time to take advantage of the present moment and keep transforming each experience into a new tune. Ever. With love.